Tuesday, April 21, 2009


How far do I want to go with this?

Battletech already has cyborgs, genetic engineering, canister babies, a strong hint that universal health care is in part due to the Star League medical science involving a lot of genetic selectivity and a person's brain algorithms being used as a basis for AI.

Throw in some fan created hints of natural AI, Sybil, and many of the examples that were brought forwards during the WoB Jihad

Then lets bump the time line forwards 300 years, add in the fact that non military technology has moved forwards far enough to exceed the peak of the Star League but on a much broader scale.

What transhuman aspects should be included.

Cyborgs, everything from nanite enhanced neurons to visions of Robocop.

Gene-Engineered, Clan Elementals, longer lives, cybernetic adaptability enhancements, even specific "races"

AIs from scanned in human minds, to pure AIs to 2nd generation AIs

What you won't see:

Purely nanite built bodies.

Biotech ships.

People uploading from one body to the next.


Right now my transhuman themes are vague. I haven't properly defined them. I want to make sure that any themes I include allow me to maintain the Battletech feel while improving the RPG opportunities. This is after all a RPG setting, because if I wanted a wargame setting I'd play any of the current Battletech eras.

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