Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Space Opera

When trying to make the 3345 setting RPG focused I had first thought to move combat from Mech centric to Warship centric. I then realized something very important. Mechs are cool. But how do I make it so players can experience all aspects of the setting. The Mary Sue super character who can do everything is unappealing. And then I realized that there was another option. Sub characters, instead of having just a single character per player have many who are all unified in purpose, like an entourage, where the primary character, ie Mech commander, or fleet Admiral and then have sub character to represent the tasks that the main character would never do.

This way a warship could be run by four players, each who have one of the main officers as characters, and then each having a sub character from each part of the ship, so a fighter pilot, a Mech pilot, a technician, an engineer, a marine etc. This allows for compelling and deep storytelling. Makes for a ton of work for the GM, having to intertwine specific encounters and having to be prepared to kill sub characters as a result of PC/NPC interaction. But handled well it could make for an excellent campaign.

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